2005-2007The Balkans/Asia Minor e-Entrepreneur Project

Project Title: Defeminization of Poverty: The Balkans/Asia Minor e-entrepreneur

Name of Client: European Commission

Detailed description of project: The objective of the Project is to developing a blended training program incorporating on-line and in-class training material, suitable for literate but in most cases educationally deficient small entrepreneurs and candidate entrepreneurs, and targeting primarily women.
The principal aim of the project is to increase the number of women effectively participating in the entrepreneurial economy in all three targeted regions. This will be achieved by developing a web-based and in-class curriculum, implementing it on 100 participants in each target region.A pilot study will be completed within the project period of 24 months.
The Project seeks to address one of the fundamental issues exceeding broad economic integration of the EU member states and candidate countries, namely the extreme vulnerability of SME's in general and more specifically, the overwhelming vulnerability of women-owned and operated SME's as a critical subcategory.
The output of the project will be guiding people, primarily women, with the potential of entrepreneurship in terms of getting a solid basis of general and practical management knowledge to support their experience in business and enhance their vision.The project also aims to open them to partnerships and cross-border activities, thus increasing their competitiveness. When the project is achieved;
• A curriculum with 20 web-based, highly interactive course materials related to business management with audio support, forums, contacts to lecturers via internet and e-mail and utilization of virtual classroom technology are developed in Turkish, Romanian, Greek and English.
• A model of a feasibility report and business plan for each target sector (i.e. agriculture, textile and food processing) in each country are developed.
• A handbook for instructor training is developed in both Turkish, Romanian, Greek and English
• A web-site is set up in Turkish, Romanian, Greek and English in order to inform related organizations such as umbrella organizations, NGOs, end users and potential parties interested in the process of valorization activities.
• And also a further web-site is set up in order to network among participants in each country, to keep them updated about rules and legislations in participant countries with regard to export, import and other trade related issues in order to develop cross-border commercial activity.

Type of services provided by LİDEA:
• Curriculum development,
• The classroom material development
• Execution of the in-class trainings in Turkey
• Target group selection
• Supervision of the feasibility report and business plan
• Training of trainers in Greece, Romania and Turkey