2005 Datça Association of Artsmen and Craftsmen Training Project

Project Title: DATCA Assoc. arts and craftsmen Training project
Name of Client: DATCA Assoc. arts and craftsmen
Detailed description of project:
The objective of the project was to train all the workers, owners and related personnel in the tourism sector to obtain total quality in Tourism services of Datça region. Totally 1000 people were selected from different sub-sectors of tourism and given specific trainings. Those applicants were selected among such positions as hotel management, restaurant staff, drivers (taxi-bus-minibus etc), public officers, hospital personnel etc.The specific objectives of project were;

 To provide long and short term expertise in the relevant sectors in order to have a total quality in tourism sector
 To underline the importance of tourism sector as an accelerator for the economic growth.
 To assist people who wanted to quit their previous (non-touristic) jobs and positions and became a part of the tourism sector.
 To provide long and short term expertise in the relevant sectors in order to assist with project supervision
 Capacity building for DATCA Assoc. Arts and Craftsmen



Type of services provided
Preparation, organization and management of the project were done successfuly by LIDEA. In addition to that, obtaining the trainers, curriculum development, training centers organization, all relevant training material supply, management of both project and participation records, distribution of certificates and diplomas were managed.

• Project Identification.
• Project Design and review.
• Preparation of implementation structure.
• Preparation curriculums, programs, time schedule
• Project Supervision and implementation
• Evaluation, monitoring and reporting